Thursday, April 10, 2008

Gardening monkeys!

Spring Break project number 1, build garden... we have a small area to work with and monkeys who lose interest in about mmmm in the immortal words of Chuck Woolery 2 min and 2 seconds, so area and project needed to be small, easy and full of variety... and so we turned a small patch of mud into a mini grassy play area... now although this looks fairly normal, keep in mind, this started as a mud pit. We found each rock, and brought them up one by one, we stole moss from the park, and brought it home, piecing it together like a live puzzle... we did buy the sod, evident in the pics by corners and what not.... but we dug up clovers and wild flowers and moved them in, bit by bit.. The container garden will hopefully flourish and bring forth several types of mints, for tea, and such, raspberries, tomatoes, and green beans... I will have to post some more pics as everything starts to grow.. wee monkeys did all the planting and the filling in of the dirt... they have lil tiny green thumbs... sooooo cute...


Blog said...

I HATE gardening!!! But, your garden looks AWESOME! Fun thing to do with the monkeys, looks like.... Maybe one day, I'll enjoy it (it's just...worms, and stuff).

Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

Ah! Excellent. I expect to see growth when I arrive.

it meez......

old shit